
What is a cookie?

Cookies are used by almost all websites, and in some cases, cookies are the only way to make a website work as intended.

A cookie is a small piece of text data that is stored in your web browser and can be read by either klarwindows.co.uk

or one of our partners. It allows us to recognize your computer and collect information about which pages and features your browser visits. However, cookies cannot detect who you are, what is your name, where you live, or whether the computer is used by one or more people. It also cannot spread computer viruses or other malicious programs.

klarwindows.co.uk uses cookies for several purposes. You will receive information that the site sets cookies before they are set by applicable law. 

Cookies for statistics

If you no longer want us to collect statistics about your use of klarwindows.co.uk

you can disable cookies in your browser. However, you should be aware that in this case, you will not be able to log in or use other features that require the website to remember your choices.

Reject or remove cookies

You can always reject and/or remove cookies on your computer by changing settings in your browser. Where to find the settings depends on which browser you are using. However, be aware that there are many features and services you cannot use if you do because they require the site to remember the choices you make.

All browsers allow you to delete cookies individually or all at once under Settings. How exactly you do it depends on which browser you use.

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