What style patio door to choose

Kadi Siilik
Written by Kadi Siilik10.03.2023

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When you are looking for what style patio door to choose, there are many attractive and energy-efficient options to consider. Some classic favourites include standard patio doors, double patio doors, tilt and turn patio doors and double tilt and turn patio doors. Depending on the space you have available, the look you are going for, and functional details, you might have specific desires that predispose you to a certain type over another. 

To answer the question, “what style patio door to choose” as simple and clear as possible, let’s get down to the very basics. So, first things first – what exactly is a patio door? Technically speaking, a patio door has traditionally been a large sliding door that opens up onto a patio or deck area. Dictionary definitions aside, these days a patio door describes doors with large glass panes. Klar’s patio doors let in the light from the garden and, with only inner handles, provide a sleek look from the outside. So aside from typical patio doors, you might even be leaning towards a set of French doors or doors with sidelights when you are considering what style patio door to choose. For some basic window and door know-how, take a look at our blog on Window and Door Terminology.

Get a clear overview of patio door styles

Having a clear overview of the types of patio doors is a great first step when you are wondering what style patio door to choose for your specific space. At Klar, we put a lot of time and energy into making things clear for our customers. This way, we do all the background research to make it as easy as possible for you to choose the ideal products for your space – whether it's windows or doors for your home or if you are deciding upon what style patio door to choose. 

Klar’s user-friendly platform and digital showroom makes choosing windows and doors a dynamic and vivid experience. So, when you are on the search for what style of patio doors to choose, you can browse our products in a 3D environment. From the popular styles of traditional patio doors named above – patio doors, double patio doors, tilt and turn patio doors and double tilt and turn patio doors – we carry them all and offer a wide variety of customisable options for you to make your own design in just the way you like.

Also read our guide on what external doors to buy.

Classic types of patio doors

To become a bit more familiar with the types of patio doors, let’s take a closer look at four of the most popular designs. This way, you can have a solid foundation in your search for what style patio door to choose. 

Patio Doors

A simple and sleek design, patio doors are single doors constructed of only one panel. Klar’s models feature only an inner handle, which imparts a smooth, clean look to the building’s exterior. For a minimalistic aesthetic, you can choose to have a fully glazed design without separate panes or go for a look with more details and multiple panes or a bottom wood panel. What’s more, since it can only be opened from the inside, there’s no hassle with keys or remembering to lock it when you go.  

Double Patio Doors

True to its name, double patio doors are simply the twin version of patio doors. Instead of a single panel, they are two-paneled double doors that allow for more light to enter the room and provide for a larger view. Why not take the opportunity to watch birds through the large panes with your little ones?


Similar to Klar’s patio door design, its double patio door models also come with only an inner handle. Klar’s customisable double patio doors come in various designs, from the fully glazed models to as many as twenty panes for an elegant, decorative look. 

Tilt and Turn Patio Doors

Tilt and turn patio doors are just like they sound – doors that open with a tilt and turn function. This means that the patio doors can open inward on hinges like a typical door as well as open partially from at the top when you want a bit of fresh air. With the family in mind, Klar recommends its tilt and turn openings for households with children and pets since they allow for continuous ventilation in a safe way.

Even when it is drizzling you can safely keep the door open at the top without rain coming inside – a great option no matter whether you are a fresh-air enthusiast living alone or a part of a bustling household. 

Double Tilt and Turn Patio Doors

When you are wondering what style patio door to choose when you want to be able to ventilate easily and have a lot of light and large panels for a broad view, then double tilt and turn patio doors might just be the best option for your needs. They are just like standard tilt and turn patio doors, but in a double set of panes.


For a closer look at the multitude of customisable options like material, glazing, colour, and latch type, check out Klar’s easy to use platform to design your own double tilt and turn patio doors.


What is the difference between patio doors and French doors?

Traditionally speaking, patio doors are sliding doors that open to a patio or deck area while French doors are hinged doors that open outwards. Nowadays, patio doors are any type of door that open onto the patio and can even be French doors.

Do you recommend tilt and turn patio doors that open both inward and outward?

We recommend that you don’t combine inward-and outward opening tilt and turn patio doors. 

What style patio door to choose for a minimalistic aesthetic?

If you are opting for a sleek design, you might want to take a look at the fully-glazed patio doors. The single window pane and inner door handle makes for a clean, minimalistic look. 

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