Thinking About Replacing Windows?

Kadi Siilik
Written by Kadi Siilik21.12.2022

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If you, like many homeowners, are mulling over the idea of replacing some or all of the windows in your home, it is a good idea to take a critical look at the factors involved in such a decision and understand which apply to you. 

There can be many reasons to consider replacing windows, some of which we will discuss here.

  • Window failure

  • Desire for increased or decreased light

  • Aesthetic preferences

  • Ease of maintenance

  • Enhanced home security

  • Soundproofing

  • Increased insulation and energy efficiency

  • Upgrading a home to be put on the market

Fixing Problem Windows

The most basic and urgent need for window replacement is when they have simply stopped doing their job. Perhaps an old window in your home has finally given out, and you are struggling to deal with water penetration and air leakages. This calls for an immediate replacement to secure your comfort and peace of mind. 

Design Choices

A less time-sensitive reason for replacing windows is the wish to add (or minimise) the amount of natural light entering your home. You may have grown tired of the dark study with only one tiny square window and are finally ready to open up the space a bit more with a larger floor-to-ceiling window.

These kinds of aesthetic choices can also come into play when viewing your home from the outside. For example, your home may have had a certain window style since the time you purchased it, but one you now wish to change to reflect a more modern style or simply to better match the overall aesthetic of the house.  

Lower Maintenance

Just as times change concerning window design and style, so have improvements been made in window technology over the years. Window frame materials now include many different options, from simple wood to combinations including aluminium, which require much less annual maintenance. 

Heightened Safety

Since our homes are the places we retreat to and a key part of our well-being, we should always feel safe and secure there. Replacing windows in your home can be an important step in ensuring this feeling. Your home may still have a few old windows that either don’t have a lock or on which the lock mechanism has long since broken. When you are away on holiday, these kinds of nagging details can cause unwanted stress and can easily be remedied with a simple window replacement.

Noise Concerns

Soundproofing is another important reason to consider replacing windows. There may be a new baby in the house, and the idea of undisturbed naps and night-time sleep with better-insulated window glass is highly appealing. If the sound of passing cars from a street outside your windows is a daily annoyance, upgrading window glazing can significantly reduce the amount of traffic noise entering into your home. Additionally, selecting acoustic glass, for example, will decrease decibel levels by approximately 3-4 dB, resulting in a noticeable difference in sound energy reaching you.

Energy Savings

Advancements in window design have led to better options when it comes to glazing, providing much improved insulating capabilities, not only regarding sound but also heating and cooling. The Swedish Energy Agency estimates that 1⁄3 of all heat loss can be attributed to windows and doors.  Hence, double and triple glazing on windows can amount to marked gains in your home's energy efficiency, with cost savings directly reflected in your monthly bills.

Resale Value

While all of the above reasons for replacing windows will obviously benefit you as the homeowner, they can also be deciding factors for potential buyers if you are looking to sell your home in the foreseeable future. Home buyers in the UK list double glazing and central heat as two of the most important factors when considering a potential purchase. Replacing windows with this desired feature has the potential to enhance property value. 

But is it Really Worth it?

Contrary to a project that requires new windows, like a new building, it can be hard to see the value in merely replacing windows on an existing structure. It may seem like an option you don’t need right now, especially considering the expense.

Yet there are significant cost savings to be realised when replacing windows and ways to keep expenses down in the process. Upgrading windows with better materials in framing and glazing will minimise future maintenance costs and pay for itself in yearly energy cost savings.

Warranties and Price Matching

Choosing windows backed up by a long-term and reliable warranty will also add value to your investment in window replacement by eliminating the need for you to replace malfunctioning products at your own expense in the future.

A price-matching guarantee is another way to ensure you get the best deal out there. If a company is willing to honour any lower product price on the market, you can feel sure you are incurring the lowest possible costs. Klar offers a 12-year warranty on aluminium-clad products and a 7-year warranty on wood products. On top of that, we provide a price match option.

At Your Own Pace

Deciding to swap out only selected windows for now, instead of going with full-scale replacement throughout your entire home, can help keep costs at a minimum as well. This is more easily done with a supplier where you can easily manage the order so you can pick and choose exactly which windows to focus on.

This kind of DIY approach to replacing windows is the exact business model of Klar. We are an online platform that puts you in charge of every detail of your window order until it is submitted directly to the factory. By eliminating the need for go-betweens to come out and measure your windows, provide you with a quote, and serve as an interface between you and the production facility, our costs for replacing windows are kept way down.

We also provide extensive support for do-it-yourself window installation via our comprehensive guides, allowing you yet another way to save money when replacing windows in your home. See our easy video guides on DIY measuring and installation.


For more answers to questions about replacing windows, refer to our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section, where we cover the following and more:

How much does it cost to replace entire windows?

The cost to replace entire windows will vary based on window size and style, frame material and glazing, as well as installation fees. To give you an idea, at time of writing, Klar’s most affordable double glazed window starts at 46.01 GBP, while our opening floor-to-ceiling windows start at 205.26 GBP. There are no hidden costs for measuring or installation, as we allow you to do it yourself.

Is it cheaper to replace all windows at once?

With many traditional window suppliers, it can be more cost effective to replace all windows at once, since you are also paying for the time it takes for someone to come out to your home and measure, provide a quote and install the finished product. At Klar, however, you can feel free to replace windows as you see fit – one at a time, in groups, or all at once – without any impact on price. This is because we take out the go-between and give you control over measuring, getting your own quote, and even installation. 

Is it worth replacing windows in a house?

In most cases it will be well worth replacing windows in a house, as many parts of the home experience will be improved. From enhanced insulation and soundproofing, to greater safety and security, to less upkeep and an updated look, window replacement can be one of the best investments you make in your home. The money you spend on this home improvement will almost certainly be gained back when resold. 

Can I replace windows myself?

Most definitely. At Klar, we are big believers in DIY, and have created a comprehensive guide to window installation that walks even beginners through every step of the process. Our customer service team is also available to assist you, should you need help along the way. Completing a home window replacement project yourself can be a satisfying experience, the results of which you will admire for years to come.

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